5 tips to be the best Godmother EVER

Being asked to be Godmother is about the coolest role a friend or relative can bestow on you. You get all the kudos of being the ‘chosen one’ godparent – and also the honour of playing a really special part in that kiddo’s life. But it can feel like a huge responsibility too. Whether your newfound Godmother Extraordinaire status involves a church christening, spiritual guidance, day-to-day help – or none of the above – your new job requires love and involvement. So here’s how to embrace it – and be the most amazing godmother ever!


  1. Free up your diary

Going to a movie, taking a walk in the park, or just swinging by with lollipops… None of these take a great deal of effort – but the memories will last a lifetime. So set aside one day a month to treat your godchild and spend some quality time together. Don’t live nearby? No problem. Sending parcels in the post will be THE most exciting surprise EVER for your GC. Trust us – they’ll love you forever for this!


  1. Brush up your babysitting skills

Want a fast-track route to winning the World’s Best Godmama award? One word: babysitting. Not only is this the ultimate gift to your GC’s parents – but you also get to hang out with your little one and spoil them rotten with the most precious present of all: your time. Even if you can only babysit once in a blue moon, make sure you offer your services now and again to take the weight off the parents’ shoulders.


  1. Be a BFF godmummy

Your hand will be held, your shoulder shall be leaned on; and your ear will be whispered into. The coolest godmothers are the ones who listen, love and laugh loads. Whether you like it or not, your role is now Chief Secret Keeper, Master of Piggybacks and (later down the line) Provider of Cocktails. So be your GC’s Best Friend Forever – and they will always turn to you for fun and advice.


  1. Help organise the christening

Is a baptism, christening or naming ceremony planned? If so – get stuck in and play a key role in the event’s organisation! All too often, godparents will turn up on the big day, revel in some godchild glory, and then leave. Instead, offer up your organisational services and get some serious godmother brownie points. Why not take a fiddly and stressful job off the parents’ hands. For example: writing and printing the order of service, or taking charge of the catering.


  1. Be an awesome gift-giver

Your godchild will forevermore eagerly await that crisp note in an envelope, that pressie parcel in the post, and that hidden gift in your handbag. Because it’s on birthdays and special holidays that your ‘Best Godmother Ever’ title will REALLY come into its own. A cute gift for your GC is to create an online photo album for them; over the years adding baby pics, birthday snaps, and special-day photos to this treasure-trove of memories. For new godparents, a present such as a piece of baby jewellery will be something that they can cherish forever. Sites such as Saffron Bells offer a gorgeous collection of Thai-style baby anklets that will make the ideal christening gift for boys or girls.